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4 Sqft Lot
SOLD DATE : 08/27/2021
Key Details
Sold Price $60,000
Property Type Vacant Land
Listing Status Sold
Purchase Type For Sale
Subdivision Not Applicable-1
MLS Listing ID 219063037DA
Sold Date 08/27/21
Lot Size 4 Sqft
Property Description
There is beautiful property on the top of the hills, where the fresh air pas true, The was old home and mobile home on this property, The first well was old , today produce 2.00' water, the owner call the company to clean complete and replace the motor and other components, and the second well is new no more of the 2 months, The trees on the property is unique view of the valley.-------------------------------------------Es una muy bonita propiedad en la loma de los cerros, donde pasa el fresco aire de las montanas, Antiguamente existia una casa vieja y un movil home, El primer pozo de agua era ya viejo y solo producia 2.0' de agua, El dueno llamo a la compania de los Pozos para hacer una limpieza completa del Pozo, y remplazas el motor viejo que tenia mas otros componentes. El segundo poso de agua tiene 2 meses de antiguedad, los Arboles o pinos que tiene en la parte de enfrente le brinda una bonita vista para el valle
State CA
County Riverside
Zoning R-1
Fireplace No
Fence Chain Link
Utilities Available Electricity Available, Electricity Connected, Natural Gas Not Available, Phone Available, Sewer Not Available
View Y/N No
Lot Description Corner Lot, Flag Lot, Horse Property, Level, Rectangular Lot, Flat
Sewer Unknown
Water Well
Senior Community No
Tax ID 753150034
Acceptable Financing Cash to Existing Loan, Contract
Horse Property Yes
Listing Terms Cash to Existing Loan, Contract
Financing Cash
Special Listing Condition Standard
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Bought with Salvador Hernandez • Ruben Magana Jr, Broker
"Molly's job is to find and attract mastery-based agents to the office, protect the culture, and make sure everyone is happy! "